Alexandra Raisman

Aly Raisman was a U.S. Olympic team captain, who was awarded gold at the 2012 Olympics. Aly Raisman holds six Olympic medals and two World Championships gold medals. Born in Needham, Massachusetts, Aly's passion for sports can be traced to the "mommy and me" gymnastics class that she attended when she was just 18 months old. Aly Raisman is a defender for body positivity and is a role model both in and off the floor, and has spoken against Larry Nassar during his sentencing hearing. Aly Raisman was born in 1994, and started her gymnastics career at an early age. She helped the U.S. Gymnastics Team win the 2011 World Championships. She won two medals in 2012 during the London Summer Olympics in London, one for the team and another for floor exercises. In the year 2016 Raisman returned to compete at the Olympics in Rio with silver medals in the single all-around final, as well as the floor exercise and a gold for the team women's competition. Raisman made a shocking revelation in the year 2017. She had been physically abused by the team doctor Larry Nassar. In the subsequent year, Raisman sued USA Gymnastics. Alexandra Alexandra Alexandra


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