Claudia black

Claudia Claudia 2 Teryl Teryl 2 HowHer character as an hermaphrodite as a guest character in 1998's appearance in the quirky crime-drama Good Guys Bad Guys also was a hit with her. She was asked, while filming "Pitch Black", a supporting role that she portrayed as a transportation passenger who is stranded within a bizarre world an upcoming sci-fi thriller to help in the reading of actors for an Australian production of a brand new show. Though the show's creators planned to use an American actor but the casting agent thought Black was perfect for the job. Black created a short demo, before being called to Sydney for a casting audition. She landed the role as Aeryn in the show "Farscape." The actress nicely projected the strength and grit of the character however she also showed a intimate sexual relationship with her co-star Ben Browder (as human astronaut John Crichton). Aeryn began to become a fascinating and watchable character, and she gained a legion of fans. After the conclusion of that series, Black appeared on two seasons of "Stargate SG-1" as Vala Mal Doran and gradually increased her voiceover appearances for film, TV or video games. Black was also a part of the character on "The Originals", returned to this series for the saga "Containment". As a gorgeous brunette Black could convey strength and a sensual air in her portrayal of Aeryn Sun in Farscape, (Sci-Fi Channel) from 1999-2003. This Sydney-born actress was a finalist in her"Containment" Globe Shakespeare competition and toured Europe in the role of Portia as the character in "The Merchant of Venice."


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